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Recommended Bible Studies

Here are some bible studies to help you get started! You can listen to these regularly to discover the Bible more personally and establish regular bible study habits!

Once you are done with these basic ones, you can click here to access more studies !

Recommended Books

Get into a habit of disciplined reading of at-least one book a month! Here are some important books that goes a long way in clarifying questions you may have, and how we can be wholehearted young disciples.

Once you are done with these, you can click here to read more books!

Finding God’s Will

Finding God's Will
How to find the will of God in various matters

Sex, Love & Marriage

Sex, Love, Marriage
Is it alright to date someone? What about falling in love? How should I choose my life partner? Find, in this book, some clear advice to help you through your teen and youth years.

Know Your Enemy

Know Your Enemy
Young people, do you know you are the target of Satan’s attacks? He seeks to pollute you with impurity, selfish ambition, pride, hypocrisy. But remember Satan was defeated on Calvary by our Lord Jesus. Our calling now is to register that victory over the forces of darkness everywhere we go.
If you are interested in doing that, read this book.